Dessert: Buttermilk Pancakes With Roasted Strawberries

Recipe by /contributors/rhoda-boone If you like strawberry shortcakes, you'll love our strawberry short stack. Caramelized strawberries and crunchy almonds dress up these buttermilk pancakes, which are ready in just 22 minutes. Add bacon or breakfast sau


1 pound strawberries (about 4 cups), hulled, halved, quartered if large
1/4 cup sugar
Pinch of kosher salt
1 vanilla bean, split lengthwise


Preheat oven to 425 °F. Place strawberries, sugar, and salt in a glass baking dish. Scrape in vanilla seeds, add pod, and stir to combine. Roast, stirring occasionally, until juices are bubbling, 15 –18 minutes. Let cool slightly and discard pod.


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