Lunch: BBQ Chicken Chopped Salad

Full of robust flavor and fresh ingredients, this chopped chicken salad is ready in no time at all.

This recipe includes fertility superfoods such as:

Romaine Lettuce

Health and fertility benefits of BBQ Chicken Chopped Salad

Romaine lettuce contains chromium, which helps maintain normal blood glucose levels by making insulin more efficient. The chromium in romaine lettuce also promotes weight loss due to its ability to help control cravings, reduce hunger, and control fat in the blood.


1 c. corn kernels (from 2 ears corn)
1 tsp. vegetable oil
3 skinless, boneless chicken-breast halves
1 tbsp. barbecue sauce
2 limes
1/4 c. light ranch dressing
2 hearts romaine lettuce
3/4 c. loosely packed fresh cilantro leaves
1/2 small jicama
1 can pink or pinto beans
1 medium ripe tomato
1 c. shredded Monterey Jack cheese
1 c. crushed tortilla chips


In microwave-safe small bowl, place corn and 2 tablespoons water; cover with vented plastic wrap. Microwave on High 1 minute; drain and refrigerate.
Brush large ridged grill pan with oil; heat on medium until hot. With flat side of meat mallet, pound chicken (placed between 2 sheets plastic wrap) to an even 1/2-inch thickness. Sprinkle with 1/4 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper to season both sides. Working in batches if necessary, cook chicken 12 to 14 minutes or until juices run clear when pierced with tip of knife, turning over once. Transfer to cutting board; brush with barbecue sauce. Cool slightly; cut into 1-inch chunks.
Into small bowl, from 1 lime, squeeze 1 tablespoon juice. Cut remaining lime into 4 wedges and reserve. With fork, whisk dressing into lime juice. In large bowl, toss lettuce and cilantro with half of lime dressing until evenly coated; place on serving platter. Top lettuce with jicama, beans, tomato, cheese, chips, and chicken. Drizzle remaining dressing all over, and serve with reserved lime wedges.


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