Lunch: Pan-Roasted Asparagus with Lemon Rind

Add a few fresh sage leaves along with the garlic, rosemary, and lemon zest for more herbal flavor. You can serve this at room temperature or chilled.

This recipe includes fertility superfoods such as:

Lemon, Asparagus

Health and fertility benefits of Pan-Roasted Asparagus with Lemon Rind

Lemons can help to prevent oxidative damage to the body, which women with PCOS are often susceptible to. We don't have any research on Asparagus as a fertility food yet. Please leave your review below if you are able to provide details about asparagus.


1 lb. asparagus
1 tsp. olive oil
Cooking spray
2 strip lemon rind
2 clove garlic
1 sprig rosemary
1/2 c. water
1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. Freshly ground black pepper


Snap off tough ends of asparagus. Heat olive oil in a large nonstick skillet coated with cooking spray over medium-high heat. Add asparagus, rind, garlic, and rosemary; sauté 3 minutes or until asparagus is lightly browned.
Add 1/2 cup water to pan; cook 5 minutes or until asparagus is crisp-tender and liquid almost evaporates. Discard rind and rosemary. Sprinkle asparagus with salt and pepper; toss well.


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