How Can Diet Affect Fertility?

There are a number of factors that contribute to your chances of conceiving a child: stress, genetics, libido, even food are all variables in your quest for a child. You may be doing everything right according to the doctors and books but you wonder if there is anything else you could be doing to improve the chances of becoming pregnant. While there are many factors of pregnancy that are outside of your control, you can definitely control what are you eating. Read through to find out some key dietary changes you should be making if you are seeking help with fertility.

1) Too Much MSG

In case you haven’t heard of all the controversy surrounding MSG, what you need to know is that is to be avoided. MSG is an artificial flavoring that is added to a lot of favorite foods because it activates the flavor receptors in the brain. In it’s most basic form it is a just a high concentration of salt. Too much MSG in your diet can affect your hormone production in your ovaries because it forces the body to make more insulin than necessary.

MSG can be found most common in canned or boxed soups, dressing, Chinese food, and even in iced tea. Make sure to read labels before you consume anything.

2) Eat More Iron

When women go through their monthly cycle, their iron levels often dip very low because of the blood loss. Studies have shown that the higher the iron levels in a woman’s blood, the less chance she has of developing infertility problems. Taking iron supplements or eating more foods like beets, carrots, eggs and beans can increase your iron levels and thus, your chances of conception.

3) Avoid Alcohol

Although alcohol has likely been the cause of many pregnancies, if you are having trouble conceiving then you should avoid drinking too much. Alcohol is basically a poison in the body. It can affect your nutrition, hormones and general mood. The safest day to drink will likely be the day you begin your period. Do not fret, though, if you do become pregnant you’re going to have to give up the booze anyways. Might as well get used to it now.

4) Lots of Greens

Eat as many greens as you can if you are trying to become pregnant. Leafy greens and vegetables are full of antioxidants, which help the body fight off free radicals and stay healthy. In addition, eating lots of greens during pregnancy helps to lower the chances of birth defects like low birth weight and cleft lip.

5) Fish

There is a lot of controversy about seafood during pregnancy. While eating seafood that contains high amounts of mercury like shark or swordfish are not recommended, you should definitely keep eating seafood. Most seafood like fish and clams are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids help to lower the chances of developing preeclampsia and gestational diabetes.

Soon enough, you’ll be eating for two, as they say. Might as well start looking at what you eat now!

This article was written by M.G. Bachemin in association with Doctors Imaging, the best place in New Orleans for MRI and other medical imaging procedures.

Fertility Chef

Fertility Chef provides online PCOS diet & nutrition resources for women. Learn what a PCOS diet is & how it works.

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